Однажды граф Риарио с небрежным видом взял какую-то тетрадочку с набросками Лео, открыл на случайном месте, покраснел и закрыл.
Однажды некий юный натурщик решил в качестве благодарности за проведенную ночь увести хотя бы пару набросочков маэстро, схватил какую-то тетрадку, пролистал, обиделся и пошел писать донос.
Словом, кончилось все судом и безликим мужиком, любящим свинью в небесах над Флоренцией.
А Лео так и не понял, чем прокурорам не угодили наброски Иоанна Крестителя.
16.08.2014 в 17:14
Пишет iago.rotten:прелэстно
Casual reminder that in one of Leonardo da Vinci’s many notebooks containing innumerable artistic and scientific sketches and notes of incomprehensible important, there is a sketch of two penises with legs and tails walking towards a crudely drawn anus.
The sketch was most likely done by Leonardo’s apprentice Salai, who was not only very likely one of Leonardo’s lovers, but who was also infamously mischievous. Better yet, the anus is literally labeled “Salai.”
So either Salai drew these while Leonardo wasn’t looking just to annoy his boyfriend, or Leonardo himself put actual time and energy into drawing these.
URL записиCasual reminder that in one of Leonardo da Vinci’s many notebooks containing innumerable artistic and scientific sketches and notes of incomprehensible important, there is a sketch of two penises with legs and tails walking towards a crudely drawn anus.
The sketch was most likely done by Leonardo’s apprentice Salai, who was not only very likely one of Leonardo’s lovers, but who was also infamously mischievous. Better yet, the anus is literally labeled “Salai.”
So either Salai drew these while Leonardo wasn’t looking just to annoy his boyfriend, or Leonardo himself put actual time and energy into drawing these.